So here are the summary:
- There is no cure, yet. Anyone telling you otherwise is lying. Including alternative cures from certain fruits or vegies.
- You can get Covid-19 and not showing any symptoms whatsoever. Possibly because of your stronger immune system. However, that makes you a carrier. You can still infect others.
- There is this cheap rapid test device that tells you if you have the virus. If it says yes, then you are positive. But if it says no, it's accuracy is less than 80 percent. You can possibly have the virus still.
- Older people are most vulnerable due to their lower immune system. However, that does not mean younger people would survive death either. In the end, it comes back to each individual immune system.
- Unless you require emergency treatment, avoid going to hospitals. They focus on people with emergency. So if you are not in that category, they will put you under lower priority and left you for hours in the hospital halls.
Therefore, as much as possible stay home. If not for your own sake, do it for your family. If you have to go out, be vigilant. Wash your hands often with soap. Wear masks. And immediately heads home once your business is done.
Stay safe and healthy.